I’m not sure “fruitify” is a real word, but it should be. Either way, Moth is a little sensitive about it. Give it time, buddy. And that brings us to the end of Genesis chapter 8! I hope you’re taking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged animals
Oh, Moth. It’s a good thing you’re so loveable. Speaking of tar pits, I’m in Atlanta this weekend with my beautiful wife. I’ll let you know if we ever make it home…
Special 1 year Anniversary guest blog post by Connie Chandler As an English as a New Language (ENL) teacher, it seems obvious that the story of Noah
If you haven’t noticed by now, it sometimes takes Moth a minute to catch on. It’ll sink in eventually.
Ah… sibling rivalry. I remember the days when my siblings and I used to sit around and debate the divergent qualities of our agricultural pastimes. Not really.
Well that was short lived. Looks like Ethan needs to work on his professionalism. In the third panel we see two new characters: a chimp and a woolly mammoth. The mammoth will be introduced tomorrow. The chimp is similar to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As promised, another classic strip that has been updated for your approval. Well, maybe not your approval so much as my own amusement. Some differences you might notice in this one are the format of the panels (horizontal as opposed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh, yes, boys. There are bigger issues out there. It’s good for them to gain some perspective. Looks like that guy has his hands full. Maybe he needs a helper… A very special Happy Birthday today to my little sis,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…