Just clarify, Jacob got to marry Rachel before working another seven years. Still, she must have been some kind of special. And her dad must have been some kind of jerk.
Posts Tagged Ethan
Wow. Seven years. Really? I had to wait over a year to marry my wife, and I certainly didn’t do any shepherding. Substitute-teaching and truck-loading, yes, but no sheep. Spoiler Alert: I think there are some surprises in store for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Apparently Esau’s two Hittite wives were a “source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah”, according to Genesis 26:35, 27:46, and 28:8. Somehow, he didn’t figure this out until Isaac sent Jacob away to find a wife from their extended family.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In Genesis 26, Isaac experiences some trouble around the Valley of Gerar. Not only do the jealous inhabitants of that area quarrel over water, they even go so far as to fill in the wells that Abraham had dug during[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This short story at the end of Genesis 25 has always stuck with me. Up until this point, we had not heard much about birthrights, and it seems no one in this account comes out smelling like roses. The parents[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hope you had a wonderful July 4 and ate lots of meat… or mushrooms, or tofu, or whatever you people eat.
So a brief word of explanation for those who might not be familiar with the story in Genesis 25 already: Esau means “hairy”, and he was also called Edom which means “red”. Both names describe him at birth. Jacob means[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A lot going on here at the Chandler household. We’ll be sure to give you an update when the dust settles. And “no”, it doesn’t bear any resemblance to Rebekah’s current state. It does cause some indigestion though…