Continuing the mini-series entitled “How Dinosaurs Became Extinct”, borrowed from the pages of a cartoon anthology from 2006. You can read the first part by clicking on the “Previous” button, or by going here. The exciting conclusion tomorrow!
Posts Tagged flood
Genesis 8:8 begins the slightly more famous passage where Noah sends out the dove instead of the raven. From this time forward, doves appear repeatedly throughout Scripture, and have become familiar symbols in Christianity and other religions. Ironic that Roy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ever been lost or in a strange place and the first person you run into for help just happens to be someone you don’t particularly like? No? Just me? Well, it can be awkward. In case you’re just now joining[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So apparently the raven “… kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth”. Not very exciting. Let’s see what happens next.
You know, the mountains. Genesis 8:4 tells us that “…the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat”. I wonder if it was cold. And kind of difficult to breathe at that altitude. Maybe I’m over-thinking this again…
Does anyone else dislike it when this happens to you? It’s funny to watch young children notice it for the first time if they’ve been in the bath or the pool for long enough. I don’t know if this would[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I guess that will teach Moth to open his big mouth. Gotta keep it on the D.L., friend. Plenty of creatures who aren’t making it on the ark you know.
Had to include one more strip with Ethan in the behemoth costume. We are headed off to vacation for a while, but Moth & Ethan will be posting as usual. Follow us on Twitter for occasional updates and photos from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New strip today! Thought I needed one more episode with Will to wrap up their little interaction, and to answer some questions about why he was beached in the first place… poor guy.