Happy New Year! I thought it serendipitous that we get to start 2015 with a strip that reflects the ones that ended 2013. See what I mean here. Those faithful few who visit the site regularly will have noticed my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Isaac
Following up last week’s strip with one that occurs almost simultaneously and includes Moth. If you haven’t read the story already, here is the crux: A blind and elderly Isaac tells Esau to bring home some wild game so they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you’re wondering where the title characters are this week, tune in next Monday to find out. In the meantime, read Genesis 27 to make sense of this silent cartoon.
In Genesis 26, Isaac experiences some trouble around the Valley of Gerar. Not only do the jealous inhabitants of that area quarrel over water, they even go so far as to fill in the wells that Abraham had dug during[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hope you had a wonderful July 4 and ate lots of meat… or mushrooms, or tofu, or whatever you people eat.
So a brief word of explanation for those who might not be familiar with the story in Genesis 25 already: Esau means “hairy”, and he was also called Edom which means “red”. Both names describe him at birth. Jacob means[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think Moth is a little sensitive about being mistaken for a camel. Then again, Isaac isn’t necessarily well known for his discernment, as we will come to find out…
Abraham and his kooky oaths. His servant here is not named, but a lot of scholars agree that it was probably