So the other part of chapter 17 is Abram‘s name (high/noble father) being changed to Abraham (father of many/multitudes), as well as Sarai’s name (my princess) being changed to Sarah (a princess [of nations]). Have you ever been called by[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged name
A colorized classic strip for today. The style is kind of dated, but I still like Moth’s expression in the last panel, so I decided not to redraw it.
Ah, darling Bernetta. She’s a little bit forward. This could be good for Moth, since he seems to be having trouble communicating right now. Lucky Ethan is there to move things along. A very special birthday shout-out to my little[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can’t help hearing the word without thinking about good ol’ Marjorie Dawes from Little Britain. Not that this blogger condones such forms of entertainment… So the mystery of who the “ugly naked freak” is has been solved, if there was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Meet Newt, also known as Sal Newton (he embellished it himself). If you feel sorry for Newt now, this might be the only time. He is destined to pop up in future strips, usually working some kind of angle. Anyway,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You know what might be useful in a situation like this? Someone who had the job of giving everything a name. I wonder where they could find someone like that… Oh, well. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.