Posts Tagged Newt
Good to see Newt still up to his old tricks. There is certainly no rest for the weary salesman… salamander… salesamander… whatever. And I know that people back then were accustomed to sleeping on the ground, but seriously? Jacob couldn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Admittedly, I am one of those Westerners who would not do well in a bartering culture. You tell me that something costs a certain amount, that is the price I will pay you. I don’t haggle and I don’t finagle.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We haven’t seen Newt for a while. Looks like his entrepreneurial prospects are ever-increasing. The Genesis 13 account tells us how Abram and his nephew, Lot, had gained so many riches that their herdsmen were quarreling. You know you’ve got[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Another colorized classic strip for today as Moth & Ethan continue their search of “a guy named ‘Will’”.
As you can see below, this is an early classic strip that originally starred Moth. When it came time to use this one, it definitely needed updating, and Sal just seemed like a better fit.
“Sal’s Assundries” is yet another incarnation of the newt’s kiosk endeavors. Speaking of newts, have you seen Doug TenNapel’s latest web comic? The raccoon hanging on the corner is not Mark, but it is supposed to resemble him in order[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This past Tuesday my wife and I had the opportunity to watch our oldest son perform in his first Thanksgiving school program. Very cute. He recited his lines perfectly. I videotaped the whole thing. It brought back a lot of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aww, Newt! Taking advantage of poor Adam in his newly-acquired agricultural situation. For shame! And it sure didn’t take very long for Adam to let himself go. Have a little bit of self-respect, man! Clean yourself up!