If you’re wondering where the title characters are this week, tune in next Monday to find out. In the meantime, read Genesis 27 to make sense of this silent cartoon.
Posts Tagged Rebekah
A lot going on here at the Chandler household. We’ll be sure to give you an update when the dust settles. And “no”, it doesn’t bear any resemblance to Rebekah’s current state. It does cause some indigestion though…
I think Moth is a little sensitive about being mistaken for a camel. Then again, Isaac isn’t necessarily well known for his discernment, as we will come to find out…
I’m not saying that Rebekah was shallow, but if some guy showed up and dumped a bunch of expensive presents in your lap, wouldn’t you seriously consider marrying a complete stanger too?
It might seem odd that this chapter begins telling a story, then halfway through, the main character retells the story from the beginning, even though we just read it. However, if we take the time to remember that these stories[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m not a fan of the nose-ring. Frankly, I’m not crazy about piercings in general, but that one seems especially unpleasant. Personal preference I guess. This particular servant and young Rebekah don’t seem to have any problems with it though.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t think Moth looks like a camel. Do you? She must mean some other camels. And a special Happy Birthday shout-out to my little brother, Kevan. I can’t wait for you guys to see what we’ve been cooking up!