And here we briefly touch on some of the fallout from the Tower of Babel debacle, as hinted at in the conclusion to the mini-series from last weekend. We see Nimrod has moved on from warring and hunting to city-building,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Rod
Hmmm, indeed. What’s next for the warrior/hunter? Perhaps it has something to do with stacking blocks.
Oooo, burn! Actually, do the kids still use “tool” as a derogatory term anymore? I don’t know. I stopped making fun of people in 1995. Okay, that’s not true.
Whoa! Ethan showing some ninja skills now. That was a close one. So far, I’m not very impressed with this Nimrod guy.
Ah, if only we would all stop spending so much time worrying about our image. Is that even possible? I mean, that would require completely taking the focus off of ourselves and placing it on someone else. But who is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Some of the long-time readers might recognize Tish (short for Tishomingo) as the saber-toothed cat who appeared in the strips during summer of 2012, when Creation was beginning to deteriorate. I didn’t expect to see the character again, but sometimes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…